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Ben Rubin – Rise UK

Rise UK logo

Rise exists to facilitate this debate and unite our people around a shared purpose and vision for the future. We have some ideas about what this could look like, but this must be a collective effort; or it simply won’t work. We are igniting a social movement for change. A movement focused first and foremost on humanity. And on creating a system that works for everyone. The collective. We, the people…..

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”  – African proverb

England, and the rest of the UK, is going through a major transitional period. We are living, as they say, in interesting times. Collectively wrestling with questions that are fundamental to the future of our nation:

  • Who are we?
  • How we did we get here?
  • What do we want to be in the future?
  • How do we make constructive, united progress towards that goal?

In order to answer these questions we must do as we’ve always traditionally done: Engage in free, open and transparent debate about the challenges that beset us and how best to overcome them.

Support the movement

We are funded entirely by our members.

We accept no money from advertisers and are unaffiliated with any political organisations.

Our content is available for free.

Subscriptions and donations are used to fund the activities described above.

We’re grateful for any support you’re able to provide towards carrying out this important work.

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