Our Mission
All who believe in liberty will share my concern about the growing threats to free speech, freedom of conscience and to our Western Judeo-Christian heritage.
Left-liberal thinking dominates the news media (most worryingly the licence fee-funded BBC), entertainment and academia, destroying independent and critical thought in the attempt to control how we speak and think. Whether on climate, gender, relations between the sexes or race, it can feel as if we are entering a new Dark Age of anti-reason. Despite Brexit, the battle to subvert it continues – even from within Whitehall. We are remaining ever vigilant.
Six years ago, few would have thought that an independent and unashamedly social conservative website would have any traction. The Conservative Woman has confounded this assumption, and our challenge to the virtue-signalling, intolerant and self-interested elites has been widely welcomed. From barely 20,000 page views a month when we started, today the site receives some 1.5 million page views a month and this is increasing all the time, making us one of the fastest-growing political websites in the country.
As we have grown, similar sites have bitten the dust. We are the only site doing what we do – explaining and promoting the virtues of people’s instinctive social conservatism and its importance for children’s wellbeing.
We don’t have any rich donors, unlike nearly every other comparable website, and we are beholden to no one.
What we’ve achieved is largely through dedicated voluntary effort and our readers’ generosity. But this is not enough to keep going. There are operational costs and some people have to be paid (though well below any acceptable rate). That’s why we have to launch another crowdfunding appeal for TCW. Last time we achieved only the half of the £25,000 we aimed for, the sum we calculated we needed to put us on a firmer footing and to pay for the help we need.
Our mission is all-important if what is good about our society and culture is to be conserved, if Britain is to become an independent, self-reliant and thriving nation state again and if our children’s future is to be secured.
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